Earn your certificate from The University of Texas at Austin

by QS World University Rankings

By Financial Times, 2022

Be job-ready by mastering highly relevant tools and technologies
Comprehensive Curriculum
Hours of Learning Content
Projects and Assignments
Designed by leading software developers, the curriculum gives you the exposure you need to build full-fledged software solutions with front-end, back-end, and dev-ops capabilities.
Pre Work: Introduction to Programming (4 Weeks)
Introduction to Web Development
Web Vs App Development, Webpage - A building block of web development, Traditional Vs Modern Web App, Server Side Coding Technologies.
Introduction to MERN Stack
Introduction to Node Js, Express JS, MongoDB, React. Understanding a basic MERN Application.
Setting up the system
Installation of VS Code, Github, MongoDB Compass.
CS Fundamentals & Front-end Development (13 Weeks)
Page structure, Elements, Tags, Input attributes, HTML5 tutorial.
Syntax, Selectors, Specificity, Properties, Layout.
Basics of Javascript 1
Comments, Data Types, Operators, Branching and Looping in JS, Functions.
Basics of Javascript 2
DOM Manipulation
Document Object Model, Working with DOM Objects, Queryselector, innerHTML, Manipulating CSS, Add/Remove classes, Manipulating Attributes, DOM Event Listener.
Javascript ES6 and OOP
ES6, let, const, destructuring ,Rest Operator, Spread Operator, Defining Class in ES6, Inheritance from Class, OOP (Polymorphism, Encapsulation) using ES6, Iterables , forEach.
Data Structures using JS
Arrays, Math Functions, String Functions, Data Structure in JS, Time and Space Complexity, Stack, Linear Search and Binary Search.
Advanced Javascript
Hoisting, Prototype, Strict Mode, Try Catch Block, Promises, Ajax, Async Await, Local Storage, Session Storage.
JQuery (Self-paced)
Syntax, Selectors, DOM Manipulation, CSS Manipulation, Working with Ajax.
Creating React App, JSX, React Components and Props, Styling React Components, React Fragments, React Hooks and Context, Conditional Rendering, React Constructors, React Refs.
Databases (5 Weeks)
Relational Database, Querying, Joining Tables, Creating Database and adding business logic, MySQL tutorial + Normalisation.
Introduction to Mongoose DB(Version of MongoDB), Creating Database, Creating Collections, CRUD Operations, Mongoose Schema and Models.
Back-end development (5 Weeks)
Routing and HTTP Methods, Middleware, Cookies REST API, Error Handling, Integrating React and Express.
Unit test case: Unit testing using open sources tools Browser and System testing automation.
Cloud Deployment & DevOps (2 weeks)
Cloud Foundations
AWS Console, IAM, Roles, EC2, Lambda, DocumentDB.
IaC, Route53, CF, TF, CloudWatch, Nginx, and PM2(Summary Docs)
Learn the most in-demand web development tools

Cloud DevOps, HTML, CSS and more..
Program Fees
Program Fees:
4999 USD   4,500 USD*
*limited period offer
Pay in Installments
As low as 250 USD/month*
Upfront Payment
4,200 USD
Payment Partners

*Subject to partner approval based on regions & eligibility. dLocal for Brazil, Colombia & Mexico learners. Other partners for U.S. learners only.
Benefits of learning with us
- High-quality content
- 32 hands-on projects and assignments
- Live mentored learning in micro classes
- Problem solving with industry experts
- Career support services
Upcoming Application Deadline
Admissions are closed once the requisite number of participants enroll for the upcoming cohort. Apply early to secure your seat.
Deadline: Jul. 4, 2024

Reach out to us
We hope you had a good experience with us. If you haven’t received a satisfactory response to your queries or have any other issue to address, please email us at
help@mygreatlearning.comCourse Start Dates
To be announced
Still have Questions?
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Please fill in the form and a Program Advisor will reach out to you. You can also reach out to us at
+1 512 8873336
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